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Hello Reader!

Thanks for viewing my website. After presenting at a few conferences I have decided to try and write a few articles that go into greater depth and background on the leadership, change and management topics I present in the context of DevSecOps.

I read, a lot, and I am fortunate enough to have had opportunities in my career to run experiments on cultures and people. Much of what I will be writing about are where I have taken concepts from other fields, such as Strategy, Business Development, Marketing etc and have tried to apply them to DevSecOps.

I want to do this for a few reasons, mainly because writing is one of the greatest reflection tools available to us, and in the process of recording my thoughts and learnings I might gain a few more insights.

I also want to record some of this for my daughter, as I consider the skills I have gained trying to nudge technology organisation towards secure development practices, and the psychology and leadership practices required to do this effectively, the closest I have to a “trade” to pass on.

I also hope my current, past and future team members, may also benefit from this, however they get inflicted with much this in their 1:2:1’s wether they like it or not.

And maybe you will also find some value in these pages too. Much of the principals I have applied to make an impact in DevSecOps are applicable to any domain where you want to make a change. My observation of the security industry is that there is an ever stronger focus on tools - but tools are not the answer, you and your ability to grow your leadership skill are. Tools are not going to change hearts, you can.

I have also made attempts to monetize this site without adverts. If you do find value and want to support me then take a look at some of the options available.

Hi Reader! If you like what you read, please consider supporting me and there are a few ways to do this!

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