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Firstly, If I can be of value to your organisation, considering viewing the security and speaking services I offer. These range form DevSecOps consultancy, training, public speaking and DevSecOps tooling advice. I am pretty good at this! I speak at conferences and have built teams that win awards in this space, I would love to help your organisation too.

Secondly, If you are interested in LRQA services, considering letting me make an introduction. LRQA offers a variety of ISO assessment services and a suite of cybersecurity offerings, offensive to defensive, and have won many awards in this space. Should an introduction from me result in a relationship with your company, I may be offered a reward from LRQA.

Much of the knowledge I have acquired has been from reading and listening to books from Amazon and Audible, and putting it into practice in my career. You will find on my educational posts and book reviews affiliate links to any literature I use. If you look to buy the literature, any purchases using my affiliate links may make me eligible for a commission on the sale. I will only be putting affiliate links in place for books I own and recommend myself. There will also be affiliate links to Audible as this is my preferred way to consume reading material and is a service I use extensively.

Finally, if something I have read has inspired an idea or helped you, perhaps consider just buying me a coffee!

Hi Reader! If you like what you read, please consider supporting me and there are a few ways to do this!

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