
I enjoy sharing stories and insights from my adventures in DevSecOps transformation and organisational change for the benefit of protecting customer data. I like my talks to be accessible to everyone, so they tend not to be technical and focus on the social skills required to make an impact. I cover topics such as Change Management, Leadership, Influence and Building Great Teams. Below are some of the links and presentations I have given in the past. If you feel the content of my talks would benefit your speaking event or organisation - lets chat!

Upcoming Events

I have no future events booked in the calendar yet!

Previous Events

Below are previous speaking events, with links to videos where they have been recorded or to the decks that are hosted on GitHub.

May 2024 - National Cyber Security Show - Birmingham

Tools are not the Answer - Leadership and Change in DevSecOps

This session was at the NEC in Birmingham, my talk covered Kotter’s 8 steps for change in a DevSecOps format, stakeholder management, influence and status games in technology.

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This was an interesting conference, it was shared with physical security and fire safety exhibitors, and was busy. It was nice to have all the seats filled and an opportunity to practice having my microphone and clicky-clicky fail during the talk.

April 2-24 - UK Cyber Week - London

Leadership and Change in DevSecOps

This session was at the NEC in Birmingham, my talk covered Kotter’s 8 steps for change in a DevSecOps format, stakeholder management, influence and status games in technology.

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I got to share a stage with Kevin Fielder and Jake Moore on this one, very cool.

November 2023 - BSides Bristol - Bristol

DevSecOps Leadership - Zero to Hero

I was fortunate enough to get to speak at my first BSides event at UWE in Bristol Nov 2023. You can watch a recording of the video here!


In this talk I discuss using Kotter’s 8 Steps when planning DevSecOps roadmaps, and demonstrate what that would look like. I also discuss my approach for developing new leaders and my experiments with business theory, such as Porters 5 Forces and Value Stream Mapping, with intrapreneurship.

September 2023 - IDC DevOps Forum - St Albans

DevSecOps Leadership - Zero to Hero

I was fortunate enough to attend a great 2 day conference with IDC at Sopwell House in St Albans. I was a “User Keynote Speaker” - whatever that means! But yes, best conference I’ve been too, great company, food, drinks and entertainment, certainly recommend.


In this talk I begun to explore more management topics and some of my experiments from ClearBank in developing people

June 2022 - DDD SouthWest - Bristol


This was the first talk I did where i explored influence and leadership topics. This wasn’t recorded but there is a link to the deck here

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November 2019 - Bristech - Bristol

Security Cultures & Cheap Talk

In this talk I implore that need for shared language and education when it comes to application security. I give a 101 on risk terminology, how CVSS works and why its lets about the score but the narrative of the questions. I also discuss developer threat modelling, a way of fitting in threat modelling into a sprint cadence.


The Bristech conferences were some of the most well organized conferences I have been too, and I got a nice Bristech T-Shirt for speaking.

September 2019 - TechExeter - Exeter

Developer Threat Modelling

My first “proper” conference presentation where I had a lecture theatre and a filled room. I discuss running an AppSec project at the hydro and how security is a people problem.


Really enjoyed it and exeter uni business school was a great venue, I actually got a speakers gift from this event of a locking pick set and sunglasses.

May 2019 - CyberUK - Glasgow

Developer Threat Modelling

A 5 minute lightening talk I presented on developer threat modelling - a way of fitting threat modelling into a sprint cadence that we embedded at the Hydrographic Office.

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Fun Fact: I was up till 3am the night before walking my 1 year old daughter around the hotel lobby as she wouldn’t sleep. Kids.

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